Friday, July 18, 2008

Chew Chew Chew......

What do you crave? Is it chocolate? Cookies? Ice cream? I crave all things crunchy! The crunchier, the better. The sense of satisfaction I derive from the violent masticating is trumped by none. Give me crackers or give me death!
I do, however, get a monstrous sweet tooth from time to time, but still, it's the crunch that holds my loyalty. As a matter of fact, a salad is merely a vehicle, or better yet, and excuse to down mountains of croutons. I think, if Freud could have gotten a hold of me, he would have said I'm "orally fixated".  And by that I think he meant having a propensity to put things in my mouth, not run off at the mouth! (Although, I can pontificate now and then) Ahem....
I wonder if that is why I grind my teeth so severely?

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